Alan Caplan, Second Opinions, second opinions criminal, second opinions federal cases, federal law, problems with attorney, need help with my case, federal court help, criminal law, federal court second opinion, second opinion state cases, state court help, state court, state law

Alan P. Caplan
Attorney at Law

© Copyright 2019.  All Rights Reserved.                                                     Member Massachusetts Bar

There will be no charge for this initial discussion.

Please email me at
, and include your name, a telephone number or numbers, and WHEN, your local time it would be convenient for me to call and discuss your situation. My usual availability would be 9 a.m. West Coast, (6 a.m. East Coast) until 10 p.m. West Coast (7 p.m. East Coast).

I will then contact you promptly to discuss whether I believe I can help you.

